Don’t You Let Me Go

by Ana Guevara & Leticia Jorge



In the wake of her best friend’s death, Adela embarks on a journey through time to a distant autumn, where Elena eagerly awaits, armed with detective novels and the warmth of a crackling fire. A tale of timeless sisterhood and celebration of life, Adela must confront her grief and unravel the mysteries that bind them together.



Uruguay  74min  16:9  5.1  Spanish

Written and Directed by

Ana Guevara & Leticia Jorge

Produced by

Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films)


Chiara Hourcade

Victoria Jorge

Eva Dans


DoP: Yarará Rodríguez

Production Designer: Cecilia Guerriero

Sound: Rafael Álvarez, Juan Ignacio Giobio

Editor: Lucía Casal, Stephanie Tabárez

Music: Luciano Supervielle


Tribeca Festival – International Narrative Competition 

Tribeca Festival 2024