San Sebastian



We are thrilled for Fernanda Valadez ‘s first feature to be screened in the Horizontes Latinos Competition.

Fernanda Valadez and Astrid Rondero her producer will present her film in San Sebastian !

In Competition

Spanish Distributor: Wanda

by Fernanda Valadez Identifying Features

directed by Fernanda Valadez Mexico/Spain  2020  97mn  2.35:1  5.1  Spanish & Zapoteco  1st Feature Film Original title: Sin Señas Particulares



Tuesday 22nd Sept – 22:00 – KURSAAL 2

Wednesday 23rd Sept – 11:45 – KURSAAL 2

Wednesday 23rd Sept – 16:30 – ANTIGUO BERRI 6

Thursday 24th Sept – 21:45 – TRUEBA 2

Sundance Screenplay Award
Sundance Audience Award
Sundance Audience Award
San Sebastian - Horizontes Latinos
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Torino IFF
Cyprus Film Days
Cyprus Film Days
Cyprus Film Days