We are located on Riviera E22
Come and meet with us 🙂 We will be delighted to present our films including MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang selected at Directors’ Fortnight.
May 15th. 11:30 Lerins 3 PRIORITY BADDGES ONLY
May 20th. 08:45 Théâtre Croisette followed by Q& A
May 20th. 18:15 Théâtre Croisette / Official World Premiere screening
May 21st. 18:00 Lerins 1 Market Screening

by Ana Guevara & Leticia Jorge Don’t You Let Me Go
(Agarrame Fuerte) written and directed by Ana Guevara & Leticia Jorge Uruguay 74min 16:9 5.1 Spanish
May 17th Friday 12:00 LERINS 3 Market Screening – BY INVITATION ONLY