Alpha Violet stand is located on E 18 in the Riviera Market.
We are really proud to present this year in Official Selection 2 new films and to present you Premiere Market screenings for 3 new films.
by Shahrbanoo Sadat Wolf and Sheep
directed by Shahrbanoo Sadat Denmark/France/Sweden/Afghanistan 2016 86mn 1.85:1 5.1 Hazaragi 1st Feature Film
Market screening (buyers only)
- May 15th, 10:00, Palais I
Official Screenings
- May 16th, 14:20, Théatre Croisette (with Q & A)
- May 16th, 21:45, Théatre Croisette (with Crew)
- May 17th, 22:30, Les Arcades (French subs only)
- May 18th, 16:00, Alexandre III (French subs only)

by K. Rajagopal A Yellow Bird
directed by K. Rajagopal Singapore/France 2016 112mn 1.85:1 5.1 Tamil, Mandarin, English, Hokkien 1st Feature Film
Market screenings
- May 13th, 17:30, Palais F
- May 17th, 10:00, Palais G
Official Screenings
- May 18th, 11:45, Miramar (with Crew)
- May 18th, 17:00, Miramar (with Crew)
- May 18th, 22:00, Miramar
- May 19th, 08:30, Miramar
- May 19th, 16:00, Studio 13
- May 19th, 20:30, Valbonne
- May 20th, 14:00, La Licorne

by Yoshiyuki Kishi A Double Life
directed by Yoshiyuki Kishi Japan 2016 126mn 1.85:1 5.1 Japanese
Premiere Market Screening
- May 16th, 18:00, Lerins 3

by Sébastien Betbeder Marie and the Misfits
directed by Sébastien Betbeder France 2015 104mn 1.85:1 5.1 French
Premiere Market Screening
- May 14th, 10:00, Lerins 1

by Bauddhayan Mukherji The Violin Player
directed by Bauddhayan Mukherji India 2015 72mn HD 2.35:1 5.1 Hindi
Premiere Market Screening
- May 16th, 10:00, Palais B